Monday, October 31, 2011

3 Doa untuk anak supaya menjadi soleh-solehah


Hari ini Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed share ilmu ni di status fb ni. Senang letak kat blog kalau terlupa ayatnya. Mari hafal dan amalkan. Insya Allah.

اَللَّهُمَّ فَقِّهُّ فِي الدِّيْنِ وَعَلِّمْهُ التَّأْوِيْلَ.
Maksudnya: Ya Allah, berilah kefahaman kepadanya dalam urusan agama dan ajarkannya Takwil (tafsir al-Quran).

اَللَّهُمَّ أَلْهِمْهُ التَّأْوِيْلَ وَعَلِّمْهُ الْحِكْمَةَ.
Maksudnya: Ya Allah, ilhamkannya Takwil (tafsir al-Quran) dan ajarkannya hikmah (ilmu yang tepat).

اَللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ فِيْهِ وَانْشُرْ مِنْهُ.
Maksudnya: Ya Allah, berkatilah padanya dan sebarkanlah ilmunya.

ni gambar contoh jer Faiq Ghazi umur dua tahun..

Kek Pisang


Lama blog tak berupdate so pagi ni curi masa, sambil berebut dgn Ahmad nak pakai lappy. Posting di sini so in future senang ummi nak buat reference. Layan gambar dan resepi..resepi asal dari to yani..cuma kek ummi ni tak guna 2 bahan..jus lemon dan cream

Dessert after dinner. Ate around 10pm sebab semalam my husband dah start OT. Freshly baked and dimakan panas-panas...sedap abis satu tray tak cukup nak bagi jiran-jiran rasa..Puas hati bila anak-anak kata sedap..Topnya garing dan tepi-tepi garing sedap..

Resepinya :

Bahan-bahan ( 20 cm )

  • 2 biji pisang (ummi pakai pisang awak, size kecik sikit dari pisang yani ni so ummi guna 3 biji)
  • 140g butter
  • 120g gula
  • 2 biji telur
  • 1 sudu kecil esen vanila
  • 2 sudu besar fresh cream(ummi tak guna)
  • 1 sudu besar jus lemon (ummi tak guna)
  • 200g tepung gandum
  • 1 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat
  • 1 sudu kecil baking powder


  1. Pukul butter dengan gula sehingga kembang
  2. Asingkan putih dan kuning telur
  3. Pukul putih telur sehingga kembang. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam butter tadi.
  4. Ayak tepung, soda bikarbonat dan baking powder. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam adunan tadi.
  5. Masukkan pisang yang telah dilenyek dan esen vanila ke dalam adunan.
  6. Campurkan jus lemon dan fresh cream. Kemudian masukkan juga ke dalam adunan.
  7. Akhir sekali masukkan kuning telur. Kacau sehingga sebati.
  8. Masukkan ke dalam loyang dan bakar pada suhu 160 degree selama 35-40 minit. (Ummi bakar pd suhu 180 degree selama 20 minit dan loyang pun ummi sapu ngan butter)
  9. ** 2 biji pisang yang saya guna tu seperti dalam gambar di sebelah
Note : Sorry yer yani bukan saja-saja nak ubah resepi tapi bahannya takder waktu nak buat.. ^_~

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fakta Imunisasi Untuk Anak-Anak Kita


Ummi nak share info ni. Terjumpa maklumat ni ketika sedang mencari carta imunisasi utk Adzbin Muaz sebab yang ada dalam birth card dia tak lengkap..

Dalam link ni dinyatakan apa dia jenis-jenis imunisasi, tujuan pengambilan imunisasi, penyakit yang boleh dielakkan dgn mengambil imunisasi, jadual imunisasi dan ada lagilah. So readers kenalah pi link ni dan baca..maaf yer ummi boleh share link shj sebab ummi malas nak park kat mana2 site utk file..

Ummi sendiri yang dah beranak 4 ni baru tahu yang imunisasi utk Hep B dan HIB adalah 2 imunisasi apa lagi cepat2 baca kerana info ni memang sgt2 berguna dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.. ni link nyer yaa... Fakta Imunisasi

P/S : Tercatat bagi kakitangan kesihatan, tapi bagus juga untuk kita parents so at least tahulah apa yang dok cucuk-cucuk kat badan anak kita tu..

Thursday, October 13, 2011

We were @ Rex Home Renovation Ekspo Midvalley


Minggu yang amat menguji kesabaran..Tapi ummi takmo share citer pasal nih..nak citer pasal Rex Home Renovation Ekspo di Midvalley pd bulan September lepas..

Insya Allah pd cuti sekolah hujung taun ni kami bercadang nak tambah sikit ruang dapur kami dan adakan pembahagi antara dapur dan ruang tamu...maklumlah konsep rumah sekarang kalau binakan konsep jer rasa sesangat tak selesa bila tetamu datang...sebab leh nampak dapur kita tu...and one more thing for safety purpose..ummi risau besok kalau Adzbin Muaz dah start merangkak..abis lah dia tolong mop lantai lepas ummi masak...or tolong kutip tah apa2...maklumlah baby safety first and we as a parents think this plan should be done immediately..bukan besar pun space yg ada pun kecik jer..tapi bolehlah kalo nak separatekan dapur..

Ok..kaitannya ngan posting kali ni ialah since nak we thought we should find some info...and survey kami pi REX ekspo ni ..tapi sayangnya tidak menepati misi..sebab tak banyak contractor yg involve..yg ada few contractor for kitchen cabinet.. supplier yang jual barang for kitchen..wall papers..tilam..sofa..water filter..etc..

Okay layan picture lah yer..sebab ummi needs to attend to Muaz now..bukan boleh duk depan lappy lama2...nanti adalah tah2 apa2 yang boys tu buat..

Boys with Kian's mascot

Get ready for the shoot. Kesian maskot ni tahap penglihatan terbatas..dah jadik cam orang buta..

Ha...barulah pose cantik..

Ahmad takut dgn maskot2 dia gambo ler sorang2..recently suka benor buat aksi nih..

Penat plus lapar...

Ummi tgh survey barang...tapi mahallah..kena prioritize apa yg penting dulu sebab budget kecik jer..

Monday, October 10, 2011

IKEA Malaysia Click, Tag & Win Contest on Facebook


Am joining this contest..anyone whom interested to join may go to IKEA Malaysia facebook then click the contest application..

Different department will be selected each week and winners will be picked weekly and will be announced every Thursday on IKEA Malaysia's FB Wall.

This week, I choose this chaise lounge..boleh gantikan yg lama yang dah berusia 8 taun tu..

Sapa-sapa yang menang kena amik sendiri prizes di IKEA Mutiara Damansara.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Personal Medical Documentation for Muhammad Adzbin Muaz


For my future reference, I would like to document here in my blog all the medical treatment Adzbin Muaz has gone thru from new born til now.

He was delivered with natal teeth and according to this website the average is one is every 2000 newborn babies. So he was very lucky tho to be chosen as one.

Chronology for his medical treatment :

Age of 3 days - Brought him to the birth place center for his 1st BCG and Hep B dose.

Age of 8 days - Went to hospital for Jaundice and Natal Teeth treatment. Admitted for 24 hours. Doctor remove the natal teeth. Gave him small dose of anesthetic thru injection and cut it off. After that he was admitted in NICU and went for photo-therapy for his Jaundice. His bilirubin was 355 during the admission and drop to 285/287 when we were discharged.

Age of 9 days - Instructed by the hospital to go to the health clinic at my place, nearest is in Rawang for repeat blood test. Result was 240.2. Asked by the doctor to come again within 2 days time.

Age of 12 days - Repeat blood test. Result was 243.7. Increase. I'm worried. Had unpleasant experience. Had to be prick twice. Cried wildly due to the defect of the first tools.

Age of 1 months - Brought him to Klinik Jelita back at my hometown for his 1 month shot. 2nd dose of Hep B.

Age of 2 months and 9 days - Brought him to Poliklinik Ilham at Tasik Puteri due to his coughing. Was given dyphenhydramin and Parmol suspension.

Age of 2 months and 10 days - Blisters came out. Owh..Muaz get chicken pox. Continue with his medicine and use Ahmad's calamine lotion.

Age of 2 months and 14 days - Cough get worse. Voice turn hoarse. Brought him to Aniza Medical Centre located at Bukit Sentosa Bukit Beruntung. My old place. Hoping to see Dr. Aniza but she was not around. Doctor Sharifah told me he got asthma. Was given doilin (if not mistaken) and ventolin thru nebuliser to resolve his phlegm. Doctor prescribed for Bisolvan, Cephalexin 125, Piriton 4mg and Calamine lotion from the pharmacy. Actually the doctor is not a pediatrician so I'm quite worried with all those medicine given to Muaz. Suggested me to bring Muaz to Klinik Medic for follow up on the next day.

Age of 2 months and 15 days - Brought him to Klinik Medic 24-7 at Bandar Country Homes. Attended by Dr. Ryan. Not a pediatrician. Lung is clear. seek for his advise. Doctor ask me to continue giving Muaz dyphenhydramin and Axol. Reached home and found out that I'll forget to inform him that I've Bisolvan. Rang him to confirm. Stop Bisolvan and give Axol.

Pray to Allah Muaz get well soon. amin.

Today he vomitted few times and cry whenever he cough or being given a medicine. Poor baby :(

Note : Mind my english yaa.. :p

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Adzbin Muaz Got Chicken Pox!!


Kadang-kadang rasa cemas..kadang-kadang rasa relax...ini semua dek kerana my 2 months old baby got a chicken pox... Last 2 weeks Ahmad got his..maklumlah budak-budakkan..Susah sungguh nak control dia not to hug, touch and lay besides Muaz... so dapatlah adiknya chicken pox..

Ahamd Faiq Ghazi with his chicken pox scar..

Dah seminggu Muaz batuk with slight fever.. rupa-rupanya ini adalah antara simptom-simptom chicken pox..

My 2 months old baby...Muhammad Adzbin Muaz

Ummi google juga untuk cari info chicken pox in infant..some said nothing to be worried about..some said depends on your babies immunity..Naturally Muaz should already have his own immunisation against chicken pox, as I had mine when I carried Ahmad 3 years back..

From my reading, mostly said no oral vaccine will be given to can just prescribed medicine for fever and calamine lotion for the itchiness. But they said I should continue bf so that he'll get more antibodies to fight the disease..

Ya Allah , ku mohon padamu...jauhkan komplikasi-komplikasi lain dari Muhammad Adzbin Muaz..amin..